Friday, December 2, 2016

4 months old

4 Months Old

Mr. Bodey is officially 4 months old and cute as ever!!!
See how smiley and cute I am!!!

He has this adorable way of frowning or scowling at you until you coo at him and then he breaks into this wildly huge smile like you see above!!

He loves to coo and babble away. Usually I wake up in the morning to him cooing in his crib peacefully.  It's so cute!!  He'll even respond in a sort of conversation way of chatting when you talk to him now!

He seems to be growing like a weed but today we learned that his weight has dropped off a bit (down from 25% to 6%) so we will be trying medicine for reflux and adding some rice cereal to his bottle feeds to try and fatten him up some more!  In every other way, the doctor says he is perfect and so healthy!  She's even surprised that his ears were as clear as they were and pleased with all of his physical capabilities. 

He may be working on pushing some teeth through in the near future as he has become a bit more drooly and more fussy at times.  Plus he absolutely cannot keep his fingers out of his mouth.  He has no interest in a paci anymore, just his fingers to gnaw on.  Teething toys are not of much interest but he likes to chew on blankets, plush toys or lovie blankets.

While he loves having these items in his mouth, getting his toes in there tops the cake!!  He is always grabbing his toes and stuffing his foot in his mouth.  I can hardly get his diaper changed because he is locked in happy baby pose or he is rolling on his side to check out his environment.

 He has become very interested in the environment around him and he loves rolling to his side to reach around to his toys or patterns he can see. He really enjoys rolling over to find mom and dad. He even prefers to sleep on his side now!

He has tried sitting up in his bumbo but fatigues pretty quickly so he prefers engaging in his environment while mom or dad provide a little support.  He's also been loved on by many young ladies lately that like to help him sit up too!

  He has recently begun to notice Coalie.  He will track her movements around the room and he even reaches out to pet her.  Coalie has also become much more aware of Bodey and has actually been caught checking on him in the crib! 

This month we celebrated my birthday which was very special considering that last birthday I was desperately missing my firstborn baby and praying for another baby; yet unbeknown to me was actually growing a budding Bodey in my belly.  So this year we ran over to Alabama to visit Millie and then head back home to celebrate with a birthday dinner with our friends, Devin and Jamie

 We also celebrated Bodey's first Thanksgiving.  We spent Thanksgiving day in Montgomery, Alabama at Bodey's great-aunt Jane's house where his cousin Rhonda prepared a delicious meal.  Bodey's great-aunts, cousins and grandparents loved on him all day while we reminisced on memories of Heath's mawmaw and uncle Barney.  It was such special time spent together enjoying each others' company in gorgeous southern 80 degree weather!

While in Montgomery Heath's dad and cousin were going over genetic traits and connections they had through a genetic assessment they had performed.  During this discussion Renee pointed out to Jerry that he does not carry the genetic trait for sneezing caused by light.  I pointed this out as a very odd trait for a person to have!  Then that following week it dawned on me that Bodey DOES have this trait! Every morning when I get him up and turn on his lamp in his bedroom he sneezes at least 2-3 times once the light comes on!  When I mentioned this funny trait to Heath --before I told him that Bodey has this trait--Heath goes "oh yeah I have that".  So we learned at least 1 genetic trait that Bodey has inherited specifically from his dad!!  

Besides that this month has been spent enjoying as many snuggles with Bodey as we possibly can!


1 comment:

  1. Ohhhh myyyyy hearttttt! This post is filled with SOOOO MUCH CUTENESS!!!! I want to comment on everything like you can on Facebook cuz by the time I get down here I've forgotten or it's too cumbersome to describe which pic I'm talking about. He is seriously so handsome and it makes me so sad that I don't get to be one of his supportive sitting ladies. But this post is fun to read to see how similar/different he is to Haddie. Haddie is not interested in her feet at all, but loved her hands, lights, the TV and curtains. She also tracks Avett like crazy! And we started thinking middle of last week that she might be getting teeth soon as well! Her cheeks are very red, fingers always in her mouth and very drooly. Occasionally cranky for otherwise unknown reasons. Such fun to look forward to!
