Thursday, January 22, 2015

Delivery Status: Pending

Delivery Status: Pending

We have met with our high risk doctor's colleague and he decided that things have progressed to the state where we need to consider if the baby is safer in or out.  Luckily we have made it to 36 weeks (YAY!!!).  Delivery in week 36 is considered preterm while week 37 is only considered early term.  Therefore, our delivery date has tentatively been scheduled for the start of week 37.  The doctors felt that admission until delivery was not necessary given the type of monitoring that our baby needs (just one 30-60 minute biophysical ultrasound per day), therefore we will now be seeing the doctors outpatient every single day until our daughter comes at week 37 or until her condition shows signs of the need to deliver now.  Heath and I are again meeting with my high risk doctor today and want to confirm that these next 5-6 days are worth the wait for our daughter's best overall well-being.  We are feeling anxious and ready to meet our little girl.  We also feel so positive about her potential as she transitions from my body to the challenges of managing on her own.  We know she is going to be surrounded by great medical staff and precise medical care so we trust that she will be taken very well care of from the moment she arrives.  My parents are going to be heading down in the next day or two and my in-laws will head over as soon as we give them the nod. 

1 comment:

  1. So happy to finally have a certainty and some set plans in place. Can't wait to meet my baby girl. We're thinking of you all the time!
